
Time zones in Brazil map

Map of Brazil time zones. Time zones in Brazil map (South America - Americas) to print. Time zones in Brazil map (South America - Americas) to download. Brazil spans three time zones; from UTC-4 in the western states, to UTC-3 in the eastern states (and the official time of Brazil) and UTC-2 in the Atlantic islands. Brazil is the only country in the world that lies on the equator while having contiguous territory outside the tropics as its shown in time zones in Brazil map. Acre Time (AT), aligned with Eastern Standard Time (EST), categorizing New York and Washington, D.C. Amazon Time (AMT), which is one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Brasilia Time (BRT), which is two hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. Fernando de Noronha Time (FNT), which is three hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.

Map of Brazil time zones

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There are four different time zones in Brazil from West to East, which are usually traversed while on vacation as its mentioned in time zones in Brazil map. To that end, travelers should always synchronize their watches with the local time on arrival. Local time in Brazil is usually later than Central Standard Time (CST) that runs through the middle of the United States, referring to a difference of minus six hours in comparison to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).