
Brazil map vector

Brazil vector map. Brazil map vector (South America - Americas) to print. Brazil map vector (South America - Americas) to download. Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest nation in the world. It forms an enormous triangle on the eastern side of the continent with a 4,500-mile (7,400-kilometer) coastline along the Atlantic Ocean as its shown in Brazil map vector. It has borders with every South American country except Chile and Ecuador.
Brazil stretches roughly 2,700 miles (4,350 km) from north to south and from east to west to form a vast irregular triangle that encompasses a wide range of tropical and subtropical landscapes, including wetlands, savannas, plateaus, and low mountains as its mentioned in Brazil map vector. It is the fifth largest country in area after only Russia, Canada, China, and the United States.
Occupying half of South America and much of the Amazon River basin, Brazil is bordered by every country on the continent except for Ecuador and Chile. Framed by the Atlantic Ocean on the northeast and southeast, Brazil forms a rough triangle about 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers) from east to west and 2,700 miles (4,350 kilometers) from north to south as you can see in Brazil map vector.