
Brazil major cities map

Major cities in Brazil map. Brazil major cities map (South America - Americas) to print. Brazil major cities map (South America - Americas) to download. Brazil has a relatively high reported level of urbanization, with 84 out of every 100 Brazilians living in cities. The major metropolitan cities of Brazil are Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte – all in the Southeast – 19.5, 11.5 and 5.1 million inhabitants respectively as its shown in Brazil major cities map. Almost all capitals are the largest cities in their states except Victoria, capital of Espirito Santo, and Florianópolis, the capital of Santa Catarina. There are also non-capital metropolitan areas in the states of São Paulo (Campinas, Santos and Paraíba Valley), Minas Gerais (Steel Valley), Rio Grande do Sul (Vale do Rio dos Sinos) and Santa Catarina (North/Northeast) and (Itajaí River Valley).

Major cities in Brazil map

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With 15 cities boasting populations of over one million residents, it is no surprise that Brazil is one of the most populated countries in the world. The country has a total of 5,570 municipalities as of 2016, which includes over 200 cities with a minimum population of 100,000, and an additional 1,409 cities that have a population of at least 10,000 residents as its mentioned in Brazil major cities map. Brazil most populous city, Sao Paulo, is also one of the most populated metro areas in the world with a population exceeding 10 million people.