
Brazil train map

Brazil railway map. Brazil train map (South America - Americas) to print. Brazil train map (South America - Americas) to download. Brazil passenger-train services have been scaled down to almost nothing, though there are a few journeys well worth taking. One outstanding trip goes from Curitiba to Morretes through the coastal mountain range, with memorable views. The Belo Horizonte–Vitória run, via Santa Bárbara and Sabará as its shown in Brazil train map, is also scenic. Ther is also one remaining line operating in the Northeast, which runs from São Luís south through the interior of Maranhão to the southern reaches of Pará state, getting you close to Parque Nacional Chapada das Mesas.
Steam trains are affectionately known as Marias Fumaça (Smoking Marys), and several still run as tourist attractions. There is a 13km ride from São João del Rei to Tiradentes in Minas Gerais as its mentioned in Brazil train map. Another pleasant short trip, this time by electric train, is the 22km Ouro Preto–Mariana run.